Best Neurologist in Gurgaon | best neurologist doctor in Gurgaon

Neurologist is a specialist who is trained in diagnosis, treatment, and management of disorders of the brain and the nervous system. They are also known as, Neurophysicians. Vmedica got the Best neurologist in Gurgaon or you can say best neurologist doctor in gurgaon. In Hindi people call “Dimag Ka Doctor” to a neurologist.

best neurologist in gurgaon


  • Neuropathic Pain : It’s a kind of pain that originates as a result of nerve damage. Common examples include; Post-Herpetic Neuralgia, Peripheral Neuropathy as in cases of Diabetes Mellitus, Carpal Tunnel syndrome, in some cases due to cancer. And at Vmedica Clinics they have the best neurologist doctor in gurgaon.
  • Migraine And Other Headaches : Migraine is a throbbing pain which was earlier considered to be pain in half-of-the-head, but it can also be felt in the entire head. It is usually associated nausea and vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine with Aura is like a feeling of dizziness, ringing in the ears, zig-zig lines in the vision, and feeling of numbness or tingling on the face, limbs,etc.

Migraines are usually idiopathic in origin, but their onset is linked to various kinds of stresses. Even a simple change in dietary pattern, acidity, or a stressful episode can trigger it. Nowadays, it can be very well treated with lifestyle modifications. Migraine can even last from a few hours to a few days. Migraine is common in children also.

Other common types of headaches are:

1. Tension Headache: It is a common time of headache usually seen in adults and teens because of acute stressful episodes. It can be mild to moderate. They usually don’t have any other symptom associated with it.

2. Cluster Headache: These are the severe kind of headaches, usually felt behind or around one eye.  The affected eye might become red and teary. The eyelid droops and even the nostril on the same side is runny or feels stuffy. They are known as cluster headaches because they are occur in groups. You might feel them 1-3 times a day during a cluster period which may last from 2 weeks to 3 months. Each headache attack can last from 15 minutes to 3 hours. They can even wake you up from sleep. Such headaches may disappear completely for few months to few years, but have the potential to come back completely.

3. Sinus Headache:  It’s a deep and constant pain in the cheekbones and forehead. The primary cause is sinusitis. Pain is usually associated with other symptoms like runny or stuffy nose, fullness in ears, swollen face.

4. Hormone Headache: Menstrual migraine or hormonal headache is usually due to rise or drop in the female hormonal levels during pregnancy, menstruation or menopause. It can also occur in patients on birth control pills. Hormonal headaches may last for 3 to 4 days.

neurologist in gurgaon
  • Seizures: Seizures refers to the sudden change in brain’s electrical activity. It can cause changes in behaviour, movements and in level of consciousness. The types varies depending upon the location they occur at in the brain. They can last from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. If it lasts longer, it’s considered to be a medical emergency. Seizures are usually characterized by confusion, uncontrolled jerking movements, loss of consciousness, and other emotional symptoms. Most common causes are, stroke, head injury, infections and other illnesses, or due to unknown causes.
  • Brain or Spinal Cord Injury: They can lead to reversible to permanent damage. Multiple problems like reduced cognitive capacity, stroke, or paralysis can arise as a result of this.
  • Multiple Sclerosis: It’s an auto-immune disorder that damages the protective covering of the nerves. It usually affects the brain, spinal cord and optic nerve. Patient can either be asymptomatic or have severe symptoms. It might lead to loss of vision, mobility problems, numbness, tingling in the limbs, etc.
  • Parkinson’s disease: It is the disorder of the central nervous system, which affects the movement often causing tremors. The nerve cell damage in the brain, reduces the chemical dopamine, that leads to abnormal brain activity. Symptoms include, shaking in limbs, slow movements, shuffling gait, slurring of speech, muscle stiffness, and impaired posture imbalance.
  • Stroke: Stroke is a medical condition which is due to the blockage of blood supply to the brain, because of which the brain tissues do not get adequate oxygen and they begin to die. Early intervention can reduce brain damage and other complications, like troubled speech and understanding, paralysis, vision problems, and headaches.
  • Epilepsy: It is a chronic disorder which is characterized by unprovoked and recurrent seizures. Strong seizures can cause spasms and uncontrolled muscle twitches which can last from few seconds to several minutes.
  • Alzheimer’s Disease: Progressive neurological disorder which in common term leads to loss of memory. The brain size gradually shrinks over a period of time. It reduces the person’s ability to function independently.
  • Peripheral Neuropathy: Peripheral Neuropathy is a common complication of Diabetes Mellitus, which causes numbness, pain, and weakness in hands and feet because of progressive nerve damage. It can also be associated with other infections and injuries.

Some other are problems are Balancing Problems, Paralysis and Movement Disorders etc.

Why choose our Best Neurologist in Gurgaon?

We have a rich academic history at V-medica clinics, where the Best Neurologist in Gurgaon holds a DM in Neurology from All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi. The department of neurologist gurgaon at V-medica has been a trusted source of care in Gurgaon. With a great combination of expertise and compassion and the power of medical technology, we aim at offering the best possible outcomes to our patients.

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